Climatic Characteristics of Explosive Cyclone over the North Pacific Ocean
摘要: 利用1968—1987年的海平面天气图资料,分析了爆发性气旋的气候特点。主要内容有:爆发性气旋的发生频率,频率的时间分布,地理分布,大风强度及分布方位、气旋爆发前后的大风、中心气压、加深率等要素的变化。Abstract: Using 1968—1987 synoptic charts, the climatic characteristics of extratropical cyclones over the North Pacific Ocean have been analysed. This paper gives some results of the study of cyclone’s genetic frequency, wind intensity and its quadrantal distribution. The changes of strong wind, central pressure as well as the rate of deepening of cyclones are also estimated