
Effects of Thawing Rate on Frost Injury of Crops

  • 摘要: 用人工霜箱研究霜冻危害.霜箱温度控制在-1—1℃,分别模拟解冻速率为0.3℃/10min和1.6℃/10min时的辐射霜夜缓慢降温过程.结果表明霜冻危害程度受作物种类、冻结温度、结冰进程和解冻速率的影响。在某些条件下,缓慢解冻可能使受冻组织恢复,但在另一些条件下则不能.对于不同耐霜性的作物,防霜的着眼点应该是不相同的。


    Abstract: The frost injury is studied by means of the artificial frost-box with the temperature of -1—1℃. The slow radiative cooling process in the frost night are simulated with the thawing rates of 0.3℃/10min and 1.6℃/10min, respectively. It was shown that the severity of frost injury is affected by variety of crop, freezing temperature, freezing process and thawing rate. Under some conditions the frozen tissue may be recovered by means of slow thaw, but, under otherwise conditions it may not. For the varieties of crops with different frost tolerance, the focus of attention to prevention of frost damage should be distinct.


