
Measurement of the Atmospheric CO2 Concentration with the Nondispersive Infrared Gases Analyzer

  • 摘要: 按WMO关于开展全球CO2监测的要求,在对引进设备进行改进的情况下,建立了我国开展大气CO2本底浓度连续测量的红外气体分析测量系统及有关方法。系统的测量精度优于0.1ppm,完全满足全球本底测量的要求,并具有较好的国际可比性。在此基础上,首次取得了我国大陆上空大气CO2的本底浓度资料。


    Abstract: The technique for high precision measurement of atmospheric CO2 has been developed by improving of the import nondispersive infrared CO2 analyzer. The system precision with better than 0.1ppm is attained and possessed the better comparability. It meets the requirements of the Global Atmosphere Watch of WMO. On the basis of measurements in situ, the data of background CO2 concentrations over the continent of China are first obtained


