
Application of Pressure-energy Field to Heavy Rain Analysis

  • 摘要: 利用简化散度方程将压能场分布的非均匀性与散度场演化联系起来,初步揭示了暴雨和雨带活动与压能密集带相联系的物理机制。并可通过计算压能场的分布来诊断暴雨落区。


    Abstract: Using pressure-energy technique, some cases of heavy rain in Changjiang-Huaihe river valley are investigated. It is found that the rain belts and heavy rain area are related to the dense pressure-energy belt. The triggering effect of pressure-energy on heavy rain is studied by using simplified divergence equation. The results show that inhomogeneity of pressure-energy distribution can trigger the quick reinforcement of convergence in the low energy side of the belt. Furthermore, the rain area can be estimated by computing the pressure-energy distribution.


