
Integration of Non-rectangular Hyperbolic Photosynthetic Model and Sensitive Analysis

  • 摘要: 非直角双曲线单叶光合模型对光合反应有更灵敏的响应。将它对叶面积积分,并用于大田干物质计算。其精度比用直角双曲线型的叶面积积分模式有所提高。对光合参数作了灵敏度试验,并指出育种和数值模拟试验中应注意的问题。


    Abstract: Because of non-rectangular hyperbolic photosynthetic model being more active response to photosynthesis, its integration for the single leaf area is performed in the paper. And, the model is applied to the calculation of the dry matter weight in the paddy fields. The accuracy of calculation is higher than that of the integration formula with rectangular hyperbolic photosynthetic model. The experiment of the parameter sensitivity is conducted. Furthermore, some problems of the seed breeding and numerical simulation are indicated


