冬季东亚大槽异常与El Nino的关系

The Relationship Between Anomalous Trough over East Asia and El Nino

  • 摘要: 通过对东亚大槽强度与El Nino事件的统计分析,揭露了在多数El Nino(反El Nino)事件的前期冬季,东亚大槽强度偏弱(偏强)的事实。对10个El Nino事件的合成分析亦表明,El Nino前冬季东亚西太平洋中高纬地区500 hPa为显著的高度正距平。谱分析进一步指出,冬季东亚大槽强度与赤道东太平洋各季SST有密切的关系,它们都具有显著的3—4年周期振荡,且槽强度的变化超前于SST约4—8个月。


    Abstract: Based on statistical analysis, an interesting fact is revealed that in winters prior to El Nino (La Nina) events occurred through 1951—1987, East Asia trough is weaker (stronger) than in the normal years. The composited field of 500 hPa height anomalies for 10 winters prior to El Nino events also shows significant positive anomalies over East Asia. The results of power spectrum and cross spectrum analyses indicate that the relationships between the trough intensity and the SST of the eastern equatorial Pacific are obvious. Both the trough and the SST in seasons have the most significant 3—4 year period oscillation, respectively, and the oscillation of the trough precedes that of the SST by 4—8 months


