
Non-linear Normal Mode Initialization and Its Effect on Data Assimilation and Forecasting

  • 摘要: 文章介绍了国家气象中心中期数值预报谱模式(T42L9)的非线性正规模初值化方案(NNMI)。讨论了该方案对资料同化和预报的影响。试验表明,应用前5个垂直模,经2次迭代能够得到一个对分析资料修正较小的平衡初始场。它成功地消除了预报中虚假的高频重力波振荡,对改进资料同化和模式预报起了重要作用。


    Abstract: The non-linear normal mode initialization (NNMI) for a spectral model of mediumrange NWP in NMC, SMA is described, and its effect on data assimilation and forecasting is discussed. It is experimentally shown that in terms of two iterations by using first five vertical modes, a balanced initial field appropriate to data analysis is obtained. It also shows that NNMI is highly successful in eliminating the spurious high frequency gravity wave oscillation in forecasting, therefore, it plays an important role in improving data assimilation and model forecasting.


