
A Diagnostic Study of Budget of Potential Vorticity for Cold Wave-related Anticyclone in East Asia

  • 摘要: 用位势涡度方程对1980年1月26—30日东亚寒潮高压的演变做了诊断研究,表明高压中心地区低层是低值位涡区,位涡值随高压增强(减弱)而变小(变大);随着高压的发展加强,位涡最小值由对流层中层降到近地面层,随着高压的减弱,最小值中心又上升;对流层高层的位涡值随着地面高压的增强而加大,反映高空冷槽、地面高压同时在发展。位涡收支方程各项对高压发展、减弱有着不同的作用。作用最大的是地转风水平平流项和地转偏差风的散度项,其次是地转偏差风的平流项和辐射项,扭转项和热成风偏差项均甚小,可忽略不计。


    Abstract: A diagnostic study is made of a cold wave-related anticyclone in East Asia, for 26—30 January 1980, by using the potential vorticity equations. The results show that at the initiation stage in the vicinity of anticyclonic center there is a low potential vorticity area where it decreases (increases) with the intensification (descension) of the high; when the high developing it descends from the middle troposphere to the nearer ground layer, when the high decaying it ascends from the lower troposphere; while the potential vorticity in upper troposphere increases with the intensification of surface high. The various terms in the potential vorticity equations have made very different contributions to the evolution of the anticyclone. The first contribution comes from the geostrophic advection of potential vorticity and the divergence term of geostrophic deviation wind. The secondary are the advection of geostrophic deviation wind and radiation heating (cooling). The twisting term and thermal wind term could be ignored.


