
The Application of Level-separating Parallel Algorithm to TOVS Data Analysis

  • 摘要: 应用层次分解法在IBM4381-P03型双CPU计算机上,对NOAA-11极轨气象卫星的垂直探测器(TOVS)反演产品中的15个标准气压层上的高度及温、湿度资料进行并行的中尺度客观分析计算。其结果表明:并行计算比串行计算节省作业的执行时间(Execute Time)45%—62%,节省作业的CPU时间(Central Process Unit)约40%,其加速比为3.28。


    Abstract: This report discussed how to apply Barnes’ method to the parallel analysis algorithm of 15 level retrieval data from the polar-orbiting satellite NOAA-11 TOVS information, via the level-separating on the IBM4381-P03 with dual CPU at NSMC. The computing results show the speed-up ratio can be reached 3.28.


