
A Q-vector Analysis of the Process of Shear Line on Qinghai-Xizang Plateau Triggered form Moving Trough Aloft

  • 摘要: 通过对1982年6月1—6日一次高空槽在青藏高原上诱发切变线的过程进行了Q矢量分析,发现高原切变线产生、维持在明显的呈东西向的500 hPa Q矢量辐合带内,而且低层500 hPa ▽·Q0。这说明宽广的上升运动的存在和加强,是产生、维持切变线的重要机制。高原切变线的产生、维持还与锋生情况有一定的关系。


    Abstract: By using Q-vector analysis of the process of shear line formation over the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau on 1—6 June 1982, which is triggered from a moving trough aloft, it is found that the favorable situations are: (1) the shear line on the Plateau is formed and maintained in a convergent zone extending from east to west at the 500 hPa Q-vector field where ▽? Q<0, and at 200 hPa ▽? Q>0; (2) a wide area of ascent current is an important role of formation and maintenance of the shear line; (3) the formation and existance of shear line over the Plateau is connected with frontogenesis to certain extent.


