
A Cloud Parameters Retrieval Algorithm and Cloud Characteristic Analysis over East Asia in 1991

  • 摘要: 参考国际卫星云气候计划和目前出现的几种云参数处理方法,设计了一种适用于东亚和热带海洋地区的云参数处理方法,并着重进行了总云量的反演。处理的资料取自GMS-4的S·VISSR资料,覆盖范围为50°N—30°S,80°—175°E。时间为1991年的1、4、7、10四个月。使用上述方法对卫星资料计算得到了日、旬、月的平均云量。通过与其它资料和处理结果的对比分析,对处理方法和处理结果的真实性进行了初步检验。利用1991年4个典型月份的处理结果,研究了大范围云的季节变化,如赤道辐合带云系和副热带高压少云区的纬向移


    Abstract: According to the requirement of the International Satellite Cloud Climate Project (ISCCP), a cloud parameters retrieval algorithm is designed, which is fit to derive cloudiness over East Asia and the Tropical Ocean area. The satellite data is obtained from original S. VISSR of GMS-4, ranging from 50°N—30°S and 80°—175°E, and covering the midseason months—January, April, July and October of 1991.The total monthly mean cloudiness and hourly mean cloudiness are calculated with the method mentioned above. The results are examined by comparing with OLR climatological data in the periods. Furthermore, not only the seasonal variations in cloudiness, such as monsoon surge cloud system and the latitudinal movement of the ITCZ, but also seasonal distribution and the diurnal variability of cloudiness are studied in the region by using the results.


