
The Environment of Meso-scale Phenomena with Brightness Temperatures from TOVS/MSU-channel 2

  • 摘要: 将NOAA-11探测仪TOVS/MSU-ch.2亮温,对照分析四川省(20°—40°N,90°—110°E)境内1989年7月7日至12日几次重复出现的中尺度云团发展和降水过程,得到两点看法:①MSU-ch.2亮温可能表示700 hPa附近中尺度天气的一种特征环境;②强中尺度对流云团可能在MSU-ch.2亮温分布的相对低值到高值过渡带内强烈发展,有时偏向高值区出现降水天气。


    Abstract: This note describes the preliminary use of brightness temperatures of TOVS/MSU-channel 2 on board the satellite NOAA-11 to show the characteristic environment of meso-scale phenomena which arise alternately the convective precipitation process over the region (20o―40 o N; 90 o―110 o E) on 7―12 July 1989.The preliminary results are: (1) The brightness temperatures of the MSU-channel 2 contribute to the 700 hPa level of peak energy. It is possible to provide a certain characteristic environment of the meso-scale phenomena over the above mentioned region. (2) Cloud clusters with strong convection emerge possibly in a transition zone from the low value of brightness temperatures to the relatively high value, and rather strong precipitation appears near the high value zone


