
A Preliminary Analysis of the Cross-Equatorial Flows During the Northern Winter Monsoon

  • 摘要: 利用1980—1986年格点风资料,分析了各年北半球冬季风期间(12—2月)东半球对流层低层及高空的越赤道气流通道。在该地区冬季低空具有气候意义的通道是105°E、125°E、45°E、80°E及150°E 5条,其中以100°—130°E为主要通道。高空则主要集中在80°–120°E区间。在1983—1984、1984—1985年两个冬季,45°E处出现较强的低空北风越赤道气流,这与高纬度大西洋东部上空持续的强阻塞形势有关。这支强越赤道气流与南印度洋及南太平洋多热带风暴也有联系。由平均经圈环流分析指出,


    Abstract: By using the grid wind data from 1980 to 1986, the eastern Hemisphere cross-equatorial flow channels in the lower and upper troposphere during the Northern winter monsoon (Dec.—Feb.) are investigated. It is found that there are five channels in the lower troposphere in the region mentioned above. They are located at 105°E, 125°E, 45°E, 80°E and 150°E, respectively, with the main zone between 100°E and 130°E. In the upper troposphere, the main channels of the cross-equatorial flows are located in the region of 80°―120°E. During both winters of 1983―1984 and 1984―1985, it is found that there exists a strong cross-equatorial flow from north at the channel of 45°E, which is associated with the persistent high-latitude blocking pattern occurred at 500 hPa over the eastern Atlantic Ocean and also with the more frequent genesis of the tropical storm over the southern Indian Ocean and southern Pacific Ocean. Additionally, the analyses of the mean meridional cell indicate that there is a complete winter monsoon circulation in the region of 80°―125°E during the Northern winter monsoon


