
A Satellite Sounding Analysis for Pinatubo Volcanic Eruption of the Philippines on 15 June 1991

  • 摘要: 应用气象卫星的探测处理资料,揭示和探讨了1991年6月15日菲律宾皮纳图博火山爆发后火山灰和火山尘云的演变和漂移中的一些重要特征,为研究这次火山爆发对天气和气候的影响提供了卫星观测分析信息。


    Abstract: Some significant features of evolution and propagation of volcanic ash and volcanic dust cloud of Pinatubo volcanic eruption on 15 June 1991 are studied and revealed using meteorological satellite sounding data. It provides helpful information to study the effect of this volcanic eruption on weather and climate.


