
Influences of Pinatubo Volcanic Clouds on Large Scale Climate in 1992

  • 摘要: 1991年6月中旬,菲律宾的Pinatubo火山将近二千万吨含硫气溶胶喷入平流层高空,形成了本世纪最大的一次火山云事件。文章叙述了火山云在高空的扩散状况及其对1992年大范围气候的致冷影响。这表现为全球平均气温的明显下降;北半球1~10月(尤其是夏秋季节)气候冷区明显增多,这种气候冷区有从低纬向高纬逐步移动的趋势;而且夏半年在我国也出现了一系列冷害现象。


    Abstract: Nearly 20 megaton sulfuric aerosols were erupted to the stratosphere during mid-June of 1991. It is the strongest event with maximal volcanic clouds since the beginning of present century. The dispersion of volcanic clouds in the stratosphere and their cooling effect on large scale climate in 1992 is discussed. It is shown that the global average temperature has pronounced drop, and the climatically cool regions in northern summer-autumn of 1992 appear significant from the tropics to higher latitudes. Furthermore, a series of cool injury events appeared in the summer of the year in China.


