
A Study of Extratropical Cyclone over Oceans Near Australia in the Southern Winter

  • 摘要: 根据1990~1992年南半球冬半年的GMS红外云图、格点资料和常规气象资料,分析了澳洲东、西部洋面上各月温带气旋的源地和移动路径,归纳出温带气旋发生、发展和消亡的四种云型演变概略模型图,并提出估计温带气旋中心气压强度的方法。


    Abstract: Using GMS IR images and conventional and grid data over the southern Hemisphere during the winters of 1990~1992, the initiating regions and tracks of extratropical cyclones in each of months are investigated and four composite models of cloud patterns evolution for extratropical cyclone generating, developing and weakening are summarized. A primary method of estimating its center pressure is provided.


