
Evolution and Fine Structure of a Heavy Precipitation System

  • 摘要: 文章分析1992年7月23日河北省东部平原地区一次突发性暴雨过程,研究了产生特大暴雨的中-α尺度对流系统的演变及其细结构,讨论了该系统内部中心暖区形成的物理机制,并指出几种不同尺度的天气系统相互作用对这次暴雨系统的重要影响。


    Abstract: A heavy precipitation system occurring in the eastern plain of Hebei province in summer is analysed based on the detail data. Evolution and fine structure of the meso-αscale convective system are studied. And the physical mechanism of warm regions forming in this system is investigated. The results show that the interaction between different scale system has greats effects on the event.


