Infrared Absorption by Trace Gases in Atmosphere
摘要: 文章介绍了测定大气中微量气体CO2与CH4透过率的试验。所用的主要设备是FTIR分光计及可变光程吸收池。文中叙述了主要实验结果与数据处理方法,同时用FASCODE-2程序计算了对应实验条件下CO2与CH4的透过率,并与实验结果作了比较。Abstract: With 60 SXR FTIR spectroscopy and variable optical path cell, transmissivity measurements of trace gasses (CO2 and CH4) have been made. The main experimental results and its data processing are descripted. Using FASCODE 2 program, transmissivities of CO2 and CH4 which are under same conditions as experiments have been calculated. And, the calculated results are compared with the experimental results, respectively.