
The Response of Precipitation and Temperature in China to ENSO

  • 摘要: 该文采用一种较为客观、定量的分析方法,对1951~1990年逐月降水和温度分别转换成Gamma分布和正态分布的百分位数,对10次ENSO事件中各站的降水和温度进行合成。然后计算合成后的第一谐波的振幅和波峰位相,以确定降水和温度对ENSO的响应区域和各响应区域的响应时段,得到了18个降水响应区和7个温度响应区,确定出35个降水响应时段和9个温度响应时段。其中,降水响应最明显的区域在华北区和长江中下游及江南区。温度响应最明显的区域是东北中北部地区。


    Abstract: With an objective and quantitive analysis, the monthly precipitation/temperature data are transformed into percentiles of Gamma/Normal distribution at all stations in the 1951~1990 period. Monthly composites are computed for precipitation/temperature with data covering ten ENSO events. Based on the amplitude and phase of the first harmonic, 18 precipitation regions, 7 temperature regions, 35 response periods of precipitation and 9 response periods of temperature are determind. In North China, the middle and lower basin of Changjiang River, and to the south of Changjiang River, the responses of precipitation to ENSO events are distinct from that in the others. Meanwhile, the amplitude of negative temperature anomaly is the strongest and the duration is the longest in the north-middle part of Northeast China


