9216 号台风登陆后的云系结构变化

Structure Evolution of Typhoon No. 9216 After Landing

  • 摘要: 利用GMS卫星云图资料和物理量诊断场资料,分析了9216号台风的云系结构及其在登陆后发生的变化。研究结果表明,9216号台风云系结构的变化反映了台风和高、低空环境流场之间的关系。分析表明,由9216号台风造成我国沿海罕见的风暴潮及大范围暴雨,与强大的高空急流入口区右侧的辐散气流及其东侧的强低空急流有密切的关系。


    Abstract: The GMS satellite data and diagnostic field are used to analyze the structure and evolution of the cloud system of landed Typhoon No. 9216. The analysis indicates that the structure and evolution of GMS satellite images reflect the close relationship between Typhoon No. 9216 and the upper and low level environmental currents. The exceptional strong storm tide and the extensive heavy rainfall region from Typhoon No. 9216 are caused by the effects of the strong divergent current on the right side of upper level jet entrance and the very strong low level jet with warm advection


