A Study of Formation for “Black Storm” Using GMS-4 Imagery
摘要: 运用1小时间隔的GMS-4数字展宽红外资料和部分常规气象资料,分析了1993年5月5日下午至夜间发生在甘肃和宁夏等省(区)部分地区罕见的特大沙尘暴的形成原因。结果指出,这场特大沙尘暴主要由强冷锋前部的中尺度对流系统(MCS)及其伴随的飑线造成的。它们的移动大体与地面强冷锋及700~500hPa间的平均气流方向一致。最后对此MCS及其伴随的飑线的可预报性问题作了简要讨论。Abstract: The casue of formation for the black storm over the part regions of Gansu and Ningxia Provinces during late afternoon and early night on 5 May 1993 are investigated using GMS-4 S-VISSR data every hour and conventional data. The results show that it was mainly caused by mesoscale convective system with a squall line in advance of a cold front. It moved eastward and basically consorted with 700~500 hPa mean flow. The predictability of this “black storm” is discussed.