
The Parameter Study of a High-order Turbulence Model

  • 摘要: 该文为高阶矩湍流方程组的二阶矩闭合方案提供了参数组选择。此参数组是用近地层实测资料结合湍流方程二阶矩闭合方案推算出的。然后,将其与Mellor等人在实验室所得的参数组分别代入湍流二阶矩闭合方程组拟合,得动量(ΦM(ξ))、热量(ΦH(ξ))与稳定度(ξ)的二组关系曲线,可见此二组曲线几乎重合,且与Businger野外近地层实测结果符合较好。拟合的垂直速度方差((W*2)1/2(ξ))、温度方差((θ*2)1/2(ξ))与ξ的二组关系曲线相对于UTAH资料,所得曲线偏差比Mellor曲线偏差小得多,而相对于KANSAS资料,所得曲线偏差稍大于Mellor曲线。


    Abstract: A group of parameters which are proposed by using field observational data in the surface layer combined with second-order closure turbulence equations has been developed for a high-order turbulence model. Applying the parameters of this paper’s and Mellor’s which obtained from lab experiments to second-order closure equations respectively, the two groups of relative curves of ΦM(), ΦH () with have been maped out. The graphs show that the two groups of curves are almost overlapped and also fit the results of Businger’s field observational data very well. In the other two groups of relative curves of (w*)1/2 (), (θ*2) 1/2() with , the curves of this paper have far less deviation than that Mellor’s compared with the data of UTAH, but have a little greater error than that of Mellor’s compared with the data of KANSAS.


