The T63 Four-dimensional Data Assimilation Experiments in National Meteorological Center (NMC)
摘要: 文章简单地介绍了国家气象中心T63四维资料同化系统试验方案及试验的初步结果。试验结果表明,该系统计算稳定,是一个较好的同化方案;T63L16中期数值天气预报谱模式利用它提供的初始条件制作了7天全球预报,预报结果优于T42L9业务系统。Abstract: This paper describes an experimental scheme of the four-dimensional data assimilation system in NMC and its experimental results. The results indicate that this assimilation scheme is stable on computation. Using the initial condition provided by the scheme, the 7-day global forecasts were produced by T63L16 medium-range numerical weather prediction spectral model. Comparison of T63L16 prediction system with T42L9 operational one shows that T63 is better than T42.