
A Review of the Study on Simulation of Regional Climate

  • 摘要: 区域气候模拟是近几年发展起来的研究有限区域气候及气候变化的方法。由于区域气候模式较好地表示了地形和地表状况,同时包含较详细的陆地过程方案,因而能捕获许多大气环流模式难以分辨的区域尺度温度、降水分布和土壤水分变化特征。此外,区域气候模拟对于了解温室气体强迫可能导致的全球增暖在区域尺度上的特征及生态、环境效应也具有重要的意义。该文总结区域气候模式和模拟试验结果,并指出存在问题及今后研究的重点。


    Abstract: Regional climate modeling is one of the methods developed in recent years to study the climate and climate change on regional basis. Owing to better description of terrain features and underlying surface condition, and incorporating of detailed land-surface process, the regional climate model can be used to capture regional-scale temperature and precipitation distributions as well as features of soil moisture variation, which are difficult to be resolved by GCMs. In addition, the regional climate simulation is important for understanding regional response of global warming and effect of ecology and environment caused by greenhouse gasses forcing. The present paper makes an attempt to summarize the state of the art of regional climate model and numerical simulation results, and addresses the problems to be further studied.


