
A Study of the Distribution and Evolution Characteristics of Stratospheric Ozone over China Using SAGE II Data

  • 摘要: 根据1984~1992年的SAGEⅡ观测资料,对平流层臭氧(O3)进行了反演,分析了我国三个纬度区域(20°~50°N)的平流层O3分布和变化特征,得到了可作为参考模式的多年平均的平流层O3总量季节变化曲线和4个月份的垂直分布廓线。


    Abstract: On the basis of SAGE Ⅱ observation data from October 1984 to March 1992, the retrieval of the stratospheric ozone (O3) is perfomed. The distribution and evolution characteristics of the stratospheric O3 varying with seasons and the vertical profiles for four months (January, April, July and October) are given


