
A Simple Coupled Earth-ocean-atmosphere Linear Model and Its Experimental Results

  • 摘要: 选取实际的海陆边界,建立了一个固体地球-海洋-大气耦合的简单线性模式,模式中包含了地气角动量守恒的关系,地转变速摩擦力对大气的作用,风吹流改变海温异常,海温异常又改变大气的质量分布。在无外源作用于地球系统的情况下,地球系统内部的各个部分(纬向风、海温和地转速度)都存在着准两年振荡(QBO),由此可见,QBO是地球系统内部的一种固有振荡。


    Abstract: A simple coupled earth-ocean-atmosphere linear model has been built. It includes angular momentum conservative relation between the solid earth and the atmosphere, the effect of frictional force from the earth spin’s variation on atmosphere, wind stress on ocean and SST anomalies leading to redistribution of atmospheric mass. Without the external forcing, the result of the model shows that there is a quasi-biennial oscillation (such as zonal wind, SST and the earth spin’s rate) occurred in every part of the earth system. Accordingly, the quasi-biennial oscillation is an inherent oscillation occurred in the interior of earth system


