
The Relationship Between the Torrential Rain and Liapunov Unstability Movement

  • 摘要: 用李雅普诺夫稳定性理论第二方法的概念,找出一个与大气扰动微分方程组有关的李雅普诺夫函数δ2S,用δ2S与其导数dδ2S/dt乘积的符号确定系统的稳定性,诊断暴雨落区和强度。在1993年6~8月暴雨预报试验中,三峡地区发生8次暴雨过程,报出5次。


    Abstract: Using the concept of the second method of Liapunov stability theory, a Liapunov function δ2 S related to the differential equations of atmospheric disturbance is obtained. Form the symbol of the product of Liapunov functionδ2 S multiplied by its differential , the stability of the system can be determined and the occurrence area and intensity of heavy rain are diagnosed. Using this method the experimental forecast for heavy rain is made from June to August of 1993 in the area of three Gores of China. The results show that the forecast accuracy is 5/8.


