
Modelling Analysis of Huashan Pine Growth Response to Climate

  • 摘要: 采用树木年轮生长模型,从细胞尺度对华山松在不同时期的树木生长状况,包括早材和晚材的细胞大小等年轮结构变化进行了模拟。所建立的细胞大小年表对气候的响应函数结果,揭示出华山松的生长主要受生长季中4~7月份以及滞后一年降水的影响,而温度只是在生长季节开始的4月份起限制作用。利用气候资料对华山松的细胞大小及变化趋势的模拟结果表明,它与实测值十分接近。


    Abstract: By employing the tree-growth model, the relationship between the cell size of tree ring and climate for Huashan pine from the Qinling Mts is studied. The cell sizes of early wood, late wood have been measured and modeled using the climate data for 37 years. The modeled cell sizes of Huashan pine and its evolution coincide greatly with the observed one. Response of the measured cell size chronologies to climate indicate that the growth of Huashan pine is mainly effected by the precipitation of current growing season from April to July and of the prior year. The effect of temperature on cell size is shown only in April with a positive correlation.


