
Period and Chaos in Discrete Climate System

  • 摘要: 从零维气候模式导出了一个非线性映象公式,对由该公式表征的气候系统的平衡态和稳定域进行了研究。通过迭代计算揭露海洋热贮存C对气候系统的调控作用。计算结果表明,存在一个控制气候系统行为的很窄的C值敏感区;当C值大于敏感区上界时,气候系统趋向平衡态,即现代气候;当C值小于敏感区下界时,系统失稳。在敏感区内则呈现出周期与混沌行为,且随着C的增加,勾画出通过周期倍分岔通向混沌的道路。


    Abstract: Based on the zero-dimensional climate model a formula of nonlinear mapping is derived, equilibria and a stability basin of the climate system represented by the formula are studied. A regulating feature of oceanic capacities C in the climate system is revealed by means of mapping iterations. Computation results show that there is a narrow sensitive C’s interval which controls a behaviour of the climate system: if C value is greater than that of the upper limit of the interval, the system will tend to a equilibrium state, i. e. present climate: if C value is less than that of the lower limit of the interval, the system will lose its stability. Within the sensitive interval, periodic and chaotic behaviours are emerged in the system. By doubling the period with increasing C, the way to chaos is depicted.


