
A Study of Acoustic Array Antenna

  • 摘要: 文章计算并测试了声雷达阵列式天线的波瓣特性,讨论了天线波瓣特性与波长、阵列喇叭数量、喇叭间距以及气温的关系。结果表明,实测的4×4阵列的波瓣特性和理论计算值基本相符,比较了用不同喇叭作的天线的性能,指出压电陶瓷高音喇叭的声电转换效率最高,1600Hz时是一般纸盆扬声器的3倍,是最佳换能器件;国产号简式高音喇叭YH5-4性能价格比较好,适于声天线的制作。


    Abstract: Some characteristics of acoustic array antennas constructed with different horns are tested. The measured antenna directivity patterns are compared with theoretical patterns. The effects of wave length, distance between horns, the number of horns and the air temperature on directivity patterns are discussed. The measured directivity pattern of a 4×4 array basically agrees with the theoretical curve. The comparison of different types of horns shows that the piezoelectric ceramic tweeter has best conversion efficiency, which is three times of the common horn’s. The reflecting horn YH 5-4 has a good ratio of performance to price, and is suitable for phased array antenna manufacture.


