季风区环流季节变化及其在El Nino年的异常

Seasonal Variation of Circulation in the Monsoon Area and Its Anomalies in El Nino Years

  • 摘要: 该文用EOF分析方法研究了1981~1983年5~9月印度洋、西太平洋季风区环流的季节变化及其年际异常。所得第1特征向量是季风分量。其1983年的时间系数曲线与1981、1982年的差异表明,El Nino年夏季风环流弱,且其向北半球夏季型的转变期较正常年推迟。在西太平洋地区它表现为副高北进的滞后。用IAP GCM作的一个相应的数值试验证实了上述结果的正确。


    Abstract: By using the EOF analysis method, the seasonal variation and its anomalies of circulation over the Indian Ocean﹑West pacific monsoon area during the period from May to September, 1981~1983 are studied. The first eigenvector field represents the monsoon component. The comparisons of the corresponding time coefficient curve for 1983 with those for 1981 and 1982 indicate that the summer monsoon circulation in E1 Nino years is weak, and the circulation transition from winter monsoon pattern to summer monsoon pattern is later than the normal, which is reflected by the time lag of the seasonal northward shift of the subtropical high over West Pacific. The corresponding numerical experiments in terms of the IAP GCM confirm to the above results.


