
A Simulation Model of Spring Wheat Growing Under Conditions of Actual Water Supply and Nitrogen Deficiency

  • 摘要: 根据田间试验资料,在前人工作基础上进一步探讨了水分和氮素营养胁迫对作物生长的影响,并建立了大田生产实际条件下春小麦生长模式。经初步检验,模式对总干重的模拟相对误差小于5%,穗重模拟小于10%,根、茎、叶等器官重、根层土壤水分含量、作物总耗氮量和籽粒氮浓度以及叶面积指数等的模拟也取得了较好的结果。


    Abstract: Base on field experimental data, the influences of soil water stress and nitrogen deficiency on the crop growing are investigated, and the simulation model of spring wheat growing is established. Comparing with the field experimental data (1988~1990), the simulation results show that the mean relative error is less than 5% for the weight of total dry matter and 10% for the spike weight. In addition, leaf area index, total nitrogen-uptaked content and grain nitrogen content, other organs weight and soil water content within root depth etc, are also simulated well


