
Characteristics of Intraseasonal Oscillation in Lower Stratosphere of Northern Hemisphere

  • 摘要: 利用奇异谱分析方法(SSA)分析了1975年1月1日至12月31日北半球30hPa高度场变化特征,结果发现:平流层低层大气除了年变化及季节变化趋势外,还存在明显的季节内振荡,最显著的周期为20~60天;在持续性异常多发地区,30hPa高度场变化中20~40天周期振荡占优势,而在其它一些地区则盛行40~60天周期振荡;对流层持续性异常主要同对流层高度场的20~40天振荡有关,并可能通过这种周期振荡同平流层低层相同周期的振荡的相互作用影响平流层低层大气季节内变化。


    Abstract: The intraseasonal oscillation features of 30 hPa height field in the Northern Hemisphere from 1 Jan. to 31 Dec. 1975 are investigated by using Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA). The results show that there is remarkable intraseasonal oscillation in which the period of 20 to 60 days is predominant in addition to annual variation and seasonal cycle in lower stratosphere. The 20 to 40-day periodic oscillation of the height variations at 30 hPa prevails in the frequent occurrence area of persistent anomalies, while 40 to 60 days periodic oscillation in other areas. The persistent anomalies are mainly related to the 20~40 days oscillation in troposphere and likely to affect the intraseasonal variation in lower stratosphere via the interaction between the oscillations in both troposphere and stratosphere.


