
Characteristics of Annual Rainfall in Arid and Semi-arid Region of China

  • 摘要: 利用聚类分析对全国160站1951~1992年的年降水标准化资料做分析,结果可划分为两大区——干旱半干旱区和非干旱区,在此基础上进行降水区划及降水分布型研究,得出我国干旱半干旱区大致分成9个小区以及它的3种年降水分布型式。


    Abstract: Through cluster analysis of the normalized annual precipitation data for the 160 stations in China during the period from 1951 to 1992, it is found that there are two big regions—the arid and semi-arid region as well as the non-arid region. On the basis of it the annual rainfall division is made, and the annual rainfall distribution in the arid and semi-arid region is also studied. The results show that the arid and semi-arid region can be divided into 9 subdivisions and there are three distribution patterns for annual rainfall.


