Application of the Improved Berlekamp’s Iterative Algorithm to Data Collection Platform Processing
摘要: 该文采用改进后的Berlekamp迭代算法,应用于气象卫星数据收集平台BCH地址码的译码、纠错问题。针对(31、21)BCH码,该算法在随机纠正2位错码时,具备了迭代次数少、计算速度快的特点。经过计算证明,此方法用于数据收集平台的BCH码的译码、纠错是可行的。Abstract: An improved Berlekamp’s iterative algorithm is adapted to correct the error code of BCH for Data Collection Platform (DCP) of the meteorological satellite in this paper. The method can correct two bits error code with random for (31, 21) BCH code and has fast convergence ability for iteration. A group of perfect results has been got from computations