1991 年江淮流域暴雨中不同尺度系统的相互作用

The Interactions of Different Scale Systems in the Torrential Rain over the Changjiang and Huaihe River Valley in 1991

  • 摘要: 通过对1991年7月1~5日东亚地区网格点资料平滑滤波,将大气运动分解为大尺度背景场和中尺度扰动场。采用p坐标中湿大气动力学方程组,在两层模式中得到含有不同等压面、不同尺度系统非线性相互作用的方程组。经过简化,得到表征低层约700 hPa中尺度系统发展的物理量。低层系统的发展和衰减决定于该物理量的正负,也就是决定于200、500、700 hPa各等压面不同尺度的运动场、涡度场和温度场之间的相互作用。


    Abstract: The filtering technique is employed to the grid data sets on 1~5, July, 1991 in the East Asian region. The atmospheric motions are decomposed into the large scale background and the mesoscale perturbation fields. Using the p-coordinate dynamic equation system for moist air, the equations including the nonlinear interactions of the different scale system over the various isobaric surfaces in the two-layer model are obtained. After simplification a physical parameter characterizing the development of the mesoscale system on the lower layer (about 700 hPa) is obtained. The development and attenuation of the system would depend upon the positive and negative of the parameter, i. e., upon the motion, vorticity and temperature fields and their interaction of various scales on the 200, 500 and 700 hPa isobaric surfaces.


