
Validation of the Scheme to Estimate the Intensity of Tropical Cyclone Based on Digitized Cloud Imagery and Its Application

  • 摘要: 以关岛飞机探测的热带气旋资料和登陆热带气旋的实测风资料为观测值,将用数字云图确定的热带气旋强度与观测值作比较,其平均绝对误差均不足3 ms-1。文章还给出了1994年业务试用结果。检验结果表明,此方法具有业务应用价值。


    Abstract: The intensity of tropical cyclone (ITC) estimated by digitized cloud imagery is compared with that observed by aircraft weather reconaissance from Guam and by the wind data from the landing tropical cyclones. It is shown that the mean absolute error of this scheme is less than 3m· s-1. In the paper, the operational experiments in 1994 are given. The results show that the scheme can basically meet the needs in daily operations for analyzing and forecasting tropical cyclones.


