
Features of Asian-Australian Monsoon’s Seasonal Cycle and Its Interannual Anomaly as Revealed from TBB Data

  • 摘要: 文章利用日本GMS所观测的黑体辐射温度TBB资料研究了亚澳季风的季节循环特征,结果表明:TBB资料在相当大的程度上确能反映低中纬环流系统的变化,它不仅再次证实了已有的关于亚澳季风季节进退的认识,并且揭示了一些新的现象,从而给出了一幅亚澳季风系统季节循环的完整图象。另外,文章还就TBB双赤道低值带的形成,以及由TBB资料所反映的亚澳季风之年际异常特征进行了研究。


    Abstract: Based on TBB data from Japanese GMS satellite observations, the seasonal cycle features of Asian-Australian Monsoon (AAM) are investigated. The results show that TBB data do reflect the variation of mid-low latitude circulation systems to a considerable degree. It not only reaffirms the former studies on the seasonal progress/retrogress of AAM, but also reveals some new phenomena, thereby deriving an entire picture for AAM’s seasonal cycle. The studies are also made of the formation for TBB bi-low-value-belt near the equator and the characteristics of AAM interannual anomaly revealed from TBB Data.


