
The Maintenance of Mei-yu Front and Development Associated Disturbance

  • 摘要: 文章对一次江淮流域梅雨锋暴雨过程进行了研究,分析了低层风场结构对锋区维持的作用,通过计算变形向量,散度风以及相应的锋生函数,研究了它们各自对锋面的维持、扰动发展所起的作用。对低空急流的不稳定发展进行了分析,并研究了它与高层流场特殊的耦合关系对暴雨形成所起的动力作用。


    Abstract: A case of mei-yu front with heavy rainfall in the Changjiang and Huaihe River valley is studied in this paper. By calculating the deformation field, divergence and their corresponding terms of frontogenesis functions, their roles on the maintenace of the front and the development of frontal turbulence are analyzed. The unstable low level jet on the south side of the front is investigated. And, a special dynamic role resulting from its coupling with upper level flow, which would construct a specific secondary circulation, is also studied.


