
Researce on the Soil Reservoir Moisture Storage Capability in the Dry Farming Region Province in Eastern Gansu

  • 摘要: 根据甘肃东部旱作区14个测站1989~1992年0~2m土壤水分实测资料,从大气降水-土壤水循环系统出发,探讨了旱作区不同气候类型土壤水库的贮水能力及其运行规律,给出不同农业干旱程度的贮水标准和贮水量亏缺额,为土壤水库潜力的开发利用提供了依据。


    Abstract: Based on the soil moisture data at 0~200 cm depth from 14 stations in the dry farming region of eastern Gansu Province in years 1989 to 1992, the soil reservoir moisture storage capability and its change rule of the different climate patterns in the region are studied according to the atmospheric precipitation-soil moisture circulation system. The paper gives both the soil moisture storage standards under the different degrees of agricultural drought and the deficit of the storage capability, which provide the base for the exploiting and utilizing of soil reservoir potential.


