
Estimating Paddy Area in Shanghai Region Using NOAA/AVHRR Data

  • 摘要: 应用模糊监督分类方法对NOAA/AVHRR数据进行象元分解,并估算了上海市10个郊县1992年和1993年两年的水稻种植面积,估算的结果与统计数据比较后表明,全市总的估算精度(采用面积比精度)分别为92.0%和95.4%。


    Abstract: The data of NOAA/AVHRR, because of their some advantages, have been applied in many fields including estimation of crop area. This research applies fuzzy supervised classification to decomposing the mixed pixels of NOAA/AVHRR data and estimates the paddy area of 10 counties in Shanghai during 1992 and 1993. As compared with the statistic data in the same period the results show that the overall accuracies (ratios of estimated to statistic area) are 92.0% and 95.4%, respectively


