
The Discussion of Some Problems Existing in Current Atmospheric Dynamic Models

  • 摘要: 文章提出了当前大气动力模式中存在的若干问题,如垂直离散问题、提高分辨率的问题、极地流场的预报问题、间断问题、非线性混淆问题和高纬地区纬向差商的计算问题等。在分析讨论这些问题时,也提出了可能解决的方法和途径,比如:垂直离散静力方程,在等距情况下,用lnσ坐标比用σ坐标会使计算误差显著减小;非线性混淆在用球谐函数作基函数时是存在的,但如参加乘积运算的函数足够光滑,非线性混淆作用可以忽略。


    Abstract: Some problems existing in current atmospheric dynamic models are proposed, such as vertical discretization, increasing resolution, prediction of the polar regions, discontinuous problems, nonlinear aliasing, computation of the longitudinal finite-difference quotient in high latitudes and so on. In analyzing those problems, possible ways for solving them are suggested and discussed. For example, in discretizing the hydrostatic equation in the vertical, taking lnσas vertical coordinate, instead of σin the case of equal interval, is able to reduce computational errors substantially, and nonlinear aliasing can be neglected only in the case that the factors of the product computation are smooth sufficiently when spherical harmonics are taken as basis functions.


