NOAA/AVHRR 遥感资料数据库有效管理系统

The NOAA/AVHRR Remote Sensing Database Effective Management System

  • 摘要: 在利用《气象卫星资料微机处理系统》收集大量资料的基础上,研制了“NOAA/AVHRR遥感资料数据库有效管理系统”。文章着重介绍该系统的总体设计构思,原理与功能特点,开发系统技术说明,应用前景。通过一年来的开发研制,已建立了一种适合陕西省的局部区域数据库,探索出一条有效地管理卫星遥感数据资料的新路子。


    Abstract: Based on the data in large amounts collected by the meteorological satellite data microcomputer handling system, the NOAA/AVHRR remote sensing database effective management system is developed. The general design, the principle and function, the technical captions and application are given. Through the effort for a year, the database fitted for the local areas of Shaanxi Province is built. This is a new way to manage the satellite remote sensing data effectively.


