
Development of Agrometeorological Yield Forecasting Operational System

  • 摘要: 农业气象产量预测业务系统(The Agrometeorological Yield Forecasting Operational System,简称AYFOS)使用Quick BASIC、MS-C和汇编语言混合编写而成,采用下拉式和弹出式中文菜单提示、彩色光(亮)条选择的人机界面,提供在线帮助。系统软件结构合理,操作方便、灵活,容错性好,产品图文并茂。系统功能齐全,包括数据管理、组建预测模型、预测模型思路记忆、模型实时预测与预测集成、产品输出管理和系统维护等主要功能模块。系统在某些方面具有自己的软件特色


    Abstract: The programming design of Agrometeorological Yield Forecasting Operational System (AYFOS) is programmed with the languages of Quick BASIC, MS-C and MASM. The prompt message is given by using pull-down pop-up Chinese menu. The help function is provided by man-computer interaction with color highlight bar. The system has reasonable software structure, convenient operation and high quality product output of tables and graphics. It consists of six functional modules including data management, forecasting model building, forecasting model memory, real-time forecasting and forecasting model integrating, product output management and system maintenance. This system posseses a general operational software and it is objective and convenient for agrometeorological yield forecasting.


