
Impacts of Climate Change on the Water Deficit Status and Growth of Winter Wheat in North China

  • 摘要: 根据多点多年气象资料、作物发育期资料和土壤水文资料,计算了未来气候变化情景下华北冬小麦主产区小麦不同发育阶段和全生育期内水分亏缺量的变化。结果表明,气温升高时小麦水分亏缺状况变差,亏缺量等值线南移,引起小麦气候适宜区范围缩小,减产额加大,产值降低,用于额外灌溉的生产费用增加。


    Abstract: The water deficits in various development stages and the whole growing season of winter wheat in North China under climate change scenarios are calculated based on the meteorological data, crop development period and soil hydrological data at 43 stations. The results show that when temperature rises, the water deficit status would deteriorate, the isolines of deficit might shift southward, the climate suitable areas of wheat would contract, the yield-reduction would become serious and the output values would lose, and also the production cost resulting from additional irrigation might increase.


