
A Sensitivity Simulation for Anomalous Factors Influencing the Monsoon Circulation in East Asia

  • 摘要: 文章使用改进了的OSU全球气候模式,动态地使用厄尔尼诺年(1972年)实际下垫面温度月距平资料,对太平洋海面温度异常以及太平洋中不同关键区海面温度异常进行了敏感性试验。数值试验结果表明:El Nino实际海温时空异常,特别是关键区海面温度异常,引起了东亚季风环流的异常变化,出现了干旱的环流形势。无论赤道中太平洋或是赤道东太平洋的海面温度异常都是敏感的影响因子,对预报有一定的指示意义。


    Abstract: Based on the monthly temperature departure data of the underlying surface during the E1 Nino year (1927), a sensitivity simulation of anomalous SST in the Pacific and also in several key areas of the Pacific has been made by using the improved OSU global climatic model. As a thermodynamic forced source, the anomalous SST is put into the model initially as well as the spatial and temporal varieties of anomalous SST with integrated time are superimposed continuously. The results of numerical simulation indicate that the spatial and temporal anomalies for the observed SST in the Pacific, especially in key areas during the E1 Nino year bring about an anomalous change of monsoon circulation in East Asia, and the drought circulation pattern appears. For this change of monsoon circulation, the affecting factors of anomalous SST in both the central equatorial Pacific area and the eastern equatorial pacific area are all very sensitive, so they have a contain significance for weather forecast.


