
Vorticity Source Energy Source and Energy Propagation of the Teleconnection Patterns in the Upper Troposphere of Northern Hemisphere

  • 摘要: 基于ECMWF 1980~1988年的全球资料,研究了北半球对流层上层两个主要遥相关型(大西洋/欧亚型与太平洋/北美型)的涡度源、能量源及能量传播路径。结果表明,这两个遥相关型的涡度源和能量源分别主要位于北大西洋和北太平洋地区。遥相关型在北大西洋和北太平洋通过正压能量转换从气候平均流中吸收能量,然后从这两个地区将能量向外传播,以维持其水平遥相关结构。


    Abstract: The vorticity source, energy source and energy propagations of the two major teleconnection patterns (the Atlantic/Eurasian pattern and Pacific/North American pattern) are studied with ECMWF data of 1980~1988, respectively. It is found that the vorticity source and energy source of these two teleconnection patterns were mainly concentrated in the North Atlantic and North Pacific regions, respectively. They obtained energy from climatologically mean flow through barotropic energy conversions in the North Atlantic and North Pacific regions, respectively, and propagate the energy outside from these two regions, so as to maintain their horizontal teleconnection structures.


