
A Study of Aerosol at Regional Background Stations and Baseline Station

  • 摘要: 文章讨论了秋季(1994年10月)和冬季(1995年1月)在中国西部青海省共和县瓦里关山(36°17′N,100°54′E,海拔3816 m)基准站和中国东北黑龙江省五常县的龙凤山(44°44′N,127°36′E,海拔331 m)及中国东南沿海的浙江省临安县的横畈乡(30°18′N,119°44′E,海拔131 m)两个区域本底站(上述3站均属WMO)所采集的气溶胶样品的质量浓度、可溶性离子浓度的时空分布特征和变化规律。初步得出:气溶胶质量浓度和可溶性离子浓度以临安为最高。其次是龙凤山,而瓦里关山为最低


    Abstract: The spatial and temporal distribution characteristics and variation regularity of mass concentration of aerosol and water soluble ionic concentration for the samples collected at Waliguanshan Mt. baseline station (36°17′N, 100°54′E, 3816 m SLE); Longfengshan Mt. (44°44′N, 127°36′E, 331 m SLE) and Lin’an (38°18′N, 119°44′E, 131 m SLE) regional background stations in autumn (October 1994) and winter (January 1995) were analyzed. The preliminary conclusion was drawn as follows: the highest values of mass concentration of aerosol and water soluble ionic concentration were observed at Lin’an, the middle at Longfengshan Mt. and the lowest at Waliguanshan Mt.; the mass concentrations of aerosol were higher in autumn than in winter at all the three stations. In addition, the impacts of winds and some trace gases on the concentration distribution characteristics of aerosol were also discussed.


