
Design and Study of Forecasting and Service System for Typhoon and Torrential Rain in National Meteorological Center (NMC)

  • 摘要: 国家气象中心台风、暴雨预报服务系统是以国家气象中心的现代化气象业务环境为依托,系统地集成了国家气象中心和气象业务与科研单位近年来研究开始的台风、暴雨预报成果建立的实时预报服务系统。该系统目前已初具规模,1995年投入业务应用(部分投入业务试用)。文中简要介绍了该系统的设计目标、结构、功能,以及在业务中应用和试用概况。


    Abstract: A real-time forecasting and service system for typhoon and torrential rain in NMC was established based on the modern conditions of meteorological operation and scientific achievements. The structure and major functions of the system are brief introduced in this paper. Many monitoring information, forecasting and warning products for typhoon and torrential rain can obtained by using this system. The system was put into the operation in the summer of 1995.


