
Features of Spatial and Temporal Distributions of the Dust Storms in Northwest China

  • 摘要: 通过分析西北地区1952~1994年所出现的沙尘暴气象观测纪录,提出了沙尘暴天气强度划分标准,并研究了西北地区沙尘暴天气时空分布特征。得出西北地区沙尘暴天气的易发区和多发区,以及多发时段等。为建立沙尘暴灾害性天气综合监测、防灾减灾系统工程的设计和建设,为当地沙尘暴天气联报联防和科学研究等,都提供了重要依据。


    Abstract: By analyzing the meteorological observational data of dust storms from 1952 to 1994, the intensity division standards are put forward, the features of spatial and temporal distribution are studied. The results show the regions easy for the occurrences of dust storms, and high frequency regions and high frequency periods of dust storm genesis in Northwest China. All of these would provide the basis for establishing the integrated monitoring system of dust storms and the systematic engineering of disasters prevention and disasters reduction.


